Everything we do is based on 7 values


At Citrus Financial we are so much more than a financial transaction, we take pride in making a positive difference to our clients, team and communities.

We love what we do

We love what we do

We love personal finance, but that’s not why we exist. Our passion is to use our expertise to improve people’s lives. We’re excited about helping people. Helping people to achieve their financial goals, to feel more secure, more sorted, more optimistic and more knowledgeable about their financial future. It’s our passion for using our expertise to help people that is the beating heart of our practice.

We get it right first time

We get it right first time

Good enough is never good enough. We take very seriously our responsibility to our clients to be accurate, thorough and to pay close attention to every detail. When financial futures are at stake, we don’t seek anything other than perfection. We don’t expect to be given trust. We expect to earn it. We earn it through a laser-focussed attention to the small things. Because it’s the small things that support and strengthen the big things. (We pay attention to the big things, too.)

We welcome change

We welcome change

The one thing that never changes is change itself. We expect and accept change (and sometimes create it), and work with it to benefit our clients. Our positive attitude to change and our constant horizon-scanning means that we take advantage of the good change and prevent or minimise the bad change. We don’t like anyone to be taken by surprise. Because we’re adaptable, flexible and open to new ideas, we build up our clients’ financial resilience and this enables them to weather whatever storm may approach and enjoy the calm seas in between.

We're a team

We're a team

Our people matter. We recognise and welcome the diversity and strengths of each member of our team, and the personality that each of us bring to our role and relationships with our clients. We are individuals that are committed to teamwork. We’re united by a common purpose. We encourage and learn from each other. We’re dedicated to maintaining a positive and supportive team culture because we know this turbocharges our service to our clients, and creates a happy working environment for everybody.

We keep our promises

We keep our promises

We’re big on personal and corporate responsibility. We honour our commitments, make promises that we keep, and through reliability and accountability we earn the trust of those whom we work for and with. We have the courage and common sense to take ownership of everything we do. Why should it be otherwise?

Our reputation matters

Our reputation matters

Our reputation is our strength, and we never put it at risk. But keeping our reputation isn’t as hard as it sounds. At the heart of our reputation is integrity. When we act with integrity, our reputation cannot be harmed. We act with integrity in everything we do. This means doing the right thing, even when no-one is looking. Especially when no-one is looking. Even when it results in something that’s disadvantageous to us. Because integrity wins every time.

Little things make a BIG difference

Little things make a BIG difference

Our clients love the results we achieve for them. With us on their side they feel safer, wealthier, more confident and more knowledgeable. But our relationship with our clients isn’t transactional. It’s personal. We build human, authentic relationships through the thousand and one little things that matter, such as the small courtesies, the daily thoughtfulness and a listening ear. We’re a team of humans working together to help other humans. We never forget that.

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