We’re proud to be part of our local community.
We’re proud to be part of our local community. We believe that every business has a duty to make a positive contribution to the community in which they operate.
But it’s not a duty for us. It’s a pleasure. We’re delighted to take part and to support a range of causes and activities that help our fellow locals.
Chipstead Football Club
Girls’ Football across Chipstead FC
Citrus Financial is proud to sponsor girls’ football at Chipstead Football Club. We’re committed to supporting the local community. We believe that this sponsorship is a great way to give back.
With an office in Chipstead, we were keen to help our local football club. Especially as they do such a great job in encouraging girls to get involved in the sport and ensuring it’s fun. The women’s game is growing in popularity. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in sport, regardless of their gender.
Our sponsorship provides the U10 girls team with a full kit and rain tops. It also sees the Citrus Financial brand feature on girls’ kits across the club.
We are excited to see the girls develop their skills and continue to enjoy the game of football. We hope that this sponsorship will help other girls get involved in the sport and show them that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
Based in Chipstead, near Sevenoaks, Chipstead Football Club provides a “ladder of football opportunity” with 35 teams from youths to adults competing across the South East football leagues.
You can find out more about the club here.

Friends for Families
Christmas charity appeal for Friends For Families 2022.
To help bring some Christmas cheer to vulnerable families in the Sevenoaks area, in 2023 we worked with Friends for Families. We appealed for donations of new board games from our wonderful clients, staff and community.
We then got on with some frantic wrapping! Finally passing the board games to Friends for Families who distributed them to the families who needed them the most.
Friends for Families provide direct, practical assistance to people who have been identified by Children’s Services as needing help which can’t be provided by central or local government: once they’ve received a referral from Children’s Services they step in to help to fill that gap. Any family can fall on hard times and find it difficult to manage.
A recent report by the Children’s Society and the Church of England called Not Making Ends Meet concludes that crisis support schemes run by local authorities are failing to operate effectively, with increasing numbers of destitute people turning instead to food banks and other voluntary agencies (like Friends for Families) for help. Friends for Families aim to provide immediate, targeted help to families in severe financial need.
You can find out more about the help they provide, and how to donate here.
Hospice in the Weald
We’re focused on fundraising for Hospice in the Weald
This amazing charity provides care completely free of charge to patients with a terminal illness, and those important to them, in West Kent and northern East Sussex. They are there 24 hours a day to help, support and care for patients with an illness where a cure is no longer possible. And for patients who will at some stage die from their illness, whenever that may be.
This amazing charity provides care completely free of charge to patients with a terminal illness, and those important to them, in West Kent and northern East Sussex. They are there 24 hours a day to help, support and care for patients with an illness where a cure is no longer possible, and for patients who will at some stage die from their illness, whenever that may be.
You can find out more about the help they provide, and how to donate here.

Rugby for all: Tonbridge Juddians RFC
Tonbridge Juddians RFC is the local rugby club for our Tonbridge staff. It offers the opportunity to play rugby to all ages, sizes, genders and abilities. It runs five teams, including a women’s side, and a range of children’s teams.
We’re very proud to sponsor the Club, with our support focussed on the First XV and on the Minis programme.
We especially admire how the Club encourages boys and girls to play, have fun and enjoy the game, through the Minis programme. Children under the age of six are gently eased into non-contact rugby, through play and fun activities. Under sevens and eights play non-contact ‘tag’ rugby. Then from the under nines upwards, the contact game is developed until you see 11 year olds train for, play and enjoy the adult game.
If you’d like to get involved you can learn more here.
Community Faith and Business
We’re proud to support the parish magazine of St John’s Church at Hildenborough. We’ve been doing this for 10 years, through advertising in the magazine and using the services of local tradespeople who advertise there, too.
St John’s believes that people matter, and we couldn’t agree more. We’re proud to belong to a community of people of all faiths or of none.
You can learn more here.