A fresh approach to financial advice that’s right for you


Our mission is to help you achieve financial peace of mind

Financial planning isn’t for other people. It’s for you, whatever your age, income and life experience. We meet you face-to-face. We take the time to really understand your situation, goals, concerns and aspirations. We’ll help you make the most of your finances, or find the right mortgage. Don’t worry if you’re new to financial planning. We’ll never talk down to you or blind you with jargon. We pride ourselves on empowering and supporting each of our clients and we’re always here to answer your questions. If you’re more experienced, welcome aboard! We’ve some fun stuff waiting for you.

We want to show you that taking responsibility for your financial future is empowering, whatever your position. We can help you take the steps to look after yourself, your family and your future financially, so that you can relax and enjoy life.

We’re Citrus Financial, and we’re a financial planning practice that’s dedicated to: 

It’s time to feel positive about finances. Call us today for a no-obligation chat.


Investing for your future

Planning for the perfect retirement

Taking control of your pensions

Buying a home or remortgaging

Protecting you and those you love

Passing on your wealth to your loved ones

Looking after your wealth through divorce

Insuring your home from the unexpected

Private Medical Insurance


Responsible Investing

Responsible investment (RI) is an important topic that more and more of our clients are concerned about, which is why we take it very seriously at Citrus Financial. 

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