How would you & your family cope if you couldn’t work?

Life’s unpredictable. While we think the unexpected will never happen to us, unfortunately it sometimes does. So, if you found yourself in this situation, how would you and your family cope?

You may not be able to rely on the state

Unless you have substantial savings, or you benefit from a sick pay scheme run by your employer, you may need to rely on the state to help while you get back on your feet.

If this is the case, you will currently only be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). The standard payment if you’re too ill to work is £109.40 per week, but your employer is only obliged to pay this for up to 28 weeks*.

If you are self-employed, you’ll probably have to fund your sick pay yourself. Plus, the state-provided Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is only between £84.80 and £129.50 a week**. Is this enough to support your family?

Eliminating the risk of losing your home and lifestyle

In these uncertain times it’s vital that you financially protect yourself, your home, and your family. It’s important to consider how you would cope should the main earner in your household become seriously ill. Money provided by an income protection policy is one way that can help reduce the risk of losing your home, and your lifestyle, especially at a time when you and your family are most vulnerable.

While insurance can’t stop the unexpected from happening, it can make dealing with the consequences a lot easier. We can help you put plans in place to protect what’s most important to you. There are many extremely practical and cost-effective options that we can discuss. If you already have plans in place, we can assess them, and make sure that you are not missing out on better quality cover that is now available.

So, if you have any questions or concerns about financially protecting you and your family, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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