Girls Find Confidence on the Football Pitch

A girls football match

Playing football is more than simply kicking a ball around – for young girls, it can be a powerful tool for building confidence and developing essential life skills. A recent report, “Here for Every Goal,” highlighted the positive societal impact of the growth of elite women’s football, particularly on young girls.

80% of young girls who play team sports experience a boost in confidence

The report, mentioned in a fascinating article by The Guardian, found that 80% of young girls who play team sports experience a boost in confidence. This isn’t just a fleeting feeling either, as nearly half reported feeling more confident than their peers. These findings underscore the crucial role team sports can play in shaping young girls’ identities and personal growth.

Beyond the confidence boost, the report published by Women’s Super League title sponsor Barclays,  also emphasizes that “playing football is meaningful.” Girls who participate in the sport gain valuable life skills that extend far beyond the field. These skills, such as teamwork, perseverance, and leadership, are essential for success in all aspects of life.

A picture of the chipstead football club girls team

This shows the importance of the work being done at grass roots level by local clubs such as Chipstead Football Club. Their dedicated coaches and organizers are inspiring young girls to get involved in the sport and experience the joy and benefits of playing football. Their commitment fosters a fun and inclusive environment where girls can develop their skills and confidence in a supportive setting.

This message of empowerment extends beyond the local level. The growth of elite women’s football is serving as a powerful inspiration for young girls, showing them that they too can achieve their goals and thrive in the world of sport.

Citrus Financial is proud to sponsor girls’ football at Chipstead Football Club. We recognise the importance of supporting young girls and empowering them to reach their full potential, both on and off the field. 

You can learn more about getting involved with Chipstead Football Club here.

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